Are You Eating Enough To Lose Weight?

Do you actually need to eat more if you want to lose weight and keep it off?  That’s the basis of the Are You Eating Enough to Lose Weight? weight loss program, which is starting soon.  The program is designed to help you discover how to enjoy a full plate of food and still lose weight.  The key is eating more foods that are naturally rich in fibre because they are low in calories and keep you feeling full for hours. Author of the Full Plate Diet workbook, Dr. Diana Fleming, says that most people need to eat at least three times more natural, fibre-rich foods than they currently eat. There are literally thousands of natural, fibre-rich foods and many can be found at your local grocery store.  Eating more of these foods can help you lose weight and help prevent heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

The goal of the program is to introduce easy, simple steps that participants can start taking at their very next meal, whether at home or in a restaurant.

The program will:

  • Give you a simple eating plan you can enjoy as part of your everyday life
  • Free you to eat more food while cutting the calories in half
  • Show you how to rev up your weight loss and lose weight twice as fast
  • Empower you to escape the yo-yo dieting trap
  • Help you discover the 10 weight loss tools successful losers use

This program is for anyone who is actively trying to lose weight or even just thinking about it.  The way the program is designed creates a fun and friendly atmosphere.  There are no pills or supplements to buy, and you won’t be required to weigh yourself during the program.  Just come, relax and surprise yourself with many new ideas you can try at your very next meal.”